from pixabay In our own galaxy there are billions of planets. Never discovered by humanity Kepler space telescope launched in 2009 found thousands of planets with different features but recent news confirms that Kepler space telescope journey will soon come to an end. Click here to know more about Kepler space telescope The Kepler space telescope found new planets in a single patch of Milky-way galaxy. On April 18, 2018 a new spacecraft lift off from Cape Canaveral. Launched by Space X falcon 9 into a unusual super elliptical orbit of similar distance between earth and moon. Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash The spacecraft named TESS which means Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite . TESS consist of four cameras which can cover a swath of the sky 96° tall .Dividing the space view in various sections like slices of orange. The TESS Spacecraft view each space view section in 27 days and move to another this way it will ...