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Hypercar Concept that can do 0-100 kmph in just 2 second

Hyper-car concept

Automotive and design companies such as Ferrari and Lamborghini which comes in the top sports car makers.With top notch design and construction they always remains on the top.These companies have there own fan following.

With new hyper car concept design and with a vision to built there own electric sports car Automobilli  Pininfarina expect to give a tough competition in electric hyper car segment.With many claims and a trusted design the Mahindra owned company believes for a better future and huge technological  jump for there company. They code named there car as PFO and claims that there car  can go 0-100 kmph in just 2 seconds.

With there claims and design they have made quiet a buzz among car lovers and they are eagerly waiting for an official announcement from company  about its production and launching dates.Following points will cover up the topic with important information:

  • A car expected to be cost between  $2-2.5 million made by Italian car designing startup Automobilli Pininfarina .
  • The company is owned by Indian automobile company Mahindra.
  • The exterior design was showcased in New York with help of three images.
  • It is code named 'PFO' which can go 0-100 kmph in just 2 seconds.
  • This hyper car has an whopping top speed of 400 kmph .
  • This car can go 500 km in single charge.
  • The hypercar will go in production in 2020.
  • Automobile Pininfarina is an Italian design company.
  • This car comes in the category of EV (Electric vehicle).


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