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Why Tardigrades are one of the most toughest micro-animal in the world??

We all know about Israel's mission to moon named Beresheet.

Mission which was launched with help of SpaceX rocket Falcon 9 B-5.

Unfortunately it crash landed on moon and they loose contact to there lander.

But one interesting thing about this mission was that, this mission was also carrying Tardigrades.

So Let us know what are these creatures and how much tough they are :

  1. They were first described by German Zoologist Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773 who called them little water bears.                                                                                                           
  2. There official name was given by Italian biologist Lazzaro Spallanzani which is Tardigrada .Tardigrades are also called as water bears or moss piglets.                                         
  3. These tiny little creatures are of half millimeter of size, 5 times the diameter of human hair.         
  4. Tardigrades are 8 legged water dweller belongs to kingdom animalia.
  5. These animals are capable to withstand extreme temperature and pressure. Pressure 6 times higher then Mariana trench(30, 000 feet below sea level).                                                              
    Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
  6. Tardigrades are found in most torturous environment which can kill almost any living being like inside volcano, in arctic ice and in deepest point in the ocean.                                                
    Photo by Marc Szeglat on Unsplash
  7. Tardigrades survived 5 mass extensions and they are hear on earth for around 500 million years.                                                                                                                                                
    Photo by Pablo Guerrero on Unsplash
  8. In 2007 when a research team took them to space.You will be surprised to know that they managed to survive in vacuum and direct solar radiation for 10 full days.                                   
  9. Tardigrades can live there normal life and have reproduction even in - 20 degree temperature !!   
    Photo by PaweÅ‚ CzerwiÅ„ski on Unsplash
  10. They can withstand 1000 times more radiation than humans.

So from where do they get these superpowers which make them indestructible??

Tardigrades when subjected to harsh condition like in space they turn into a ball like structure which is called "tun" by releasing all the water present in there body.

Which is called Cryptobiosis in scientific term.

For surviving extreme temperatures they take the help of there sugary gel which cover there entire body.
Which is called Trehalose in scientific term.

Tardigrades can survive in this ball like formation for decades.

It is for sure that they will not able to last for long on moon but yeah, they are now the first species to colonize the moon for a while.

But scientists are still searching what these Tardigrades can actually do, may be they find another source to live on moon.

What do you think ,let me know down in comment section.


  1. very nice!! thank you for increasing my knowledge


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