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Finally, SpaceX revealed how there starship test vehicle will look like!!

Elon Musk CEO of Space X posted a tweet on Saturday which just increased my and all space lovers happiness.

Elon Musk in his tweet posted information about scale down concept of there Starship for interplanetary space travels.

The image posted by Elon Musk of Starship test vehicle after Assembly little bit looks like ships of sci-fi movies which we used to watch in our childhoods.

The Starship test vehicle of Elon is currently being assembled at SpaceX.

The concept used for testing feasibility of the design will be around 30 feet with shiny stainless steel looking body.

The company is expecting to launch this Starship in March or April.

The first testing of this formula will be a sub orbital mission with no fancy glass windows and other instruments as it is just a testing of mainly outer design and engines used to lift the vehicle.

Space X wants to make sure that there Starship is completely feasible so they can put the design with few alteration to its orbital mission most probably in 2020.

Let's hope that Space X concept passes with flying colors and we can get sooner the glimpse of the final finished Starship. Determination of Elon Musk and its team to make the dream of interplanetary travels come true deserves grand salute.

Best of luck Space X!!!

Check out the official twitter handle of Elon Musk :

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