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Showing posts from January, 2019

Beans could be grown in space 2021, Astronauts dream to eat fresh food comes true

After successful cultivation of red romaine lettuce (a leaf vegetable) in 2015 , now according to research conducted at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) it is possible to grow beans with help of High-tech planters developed by them. these special planters are capable of regulating  all the essential nutrients,gas and air the plants needs .   Gravity will be simulated by help of centrifuge which is also capable of regulating gravity. Photo by  Mike Kenneally  on  Unsplash Norwegian University of Science and Technology researchers are know collaborating with some other foreign researchers of French and Italian origin to cultivate plant based food for long interplanetary travels . It is  fascinating to know that the longest stays in International Space Station ever is just   six months and for travelling to Mars it will require at least a year , just double!! So we know that with limited supplies from ou...

Finally, SpaceX revealed how there starship test vehicle will look like!!

Elon Musk CEO of Space X posted a tweet on Saturday which just increased my and all space lovers happiness. Elon Musk in his tweet posted information about scale down concept of there Starship for interplanetary space travels. The image posted by Elon Musk of Starship test vehicle after Assembly  little bit looks like ships of sci-fi movies which we used to watch in our childhoods. The Starship test vehicle of Elon is currently being assembled at SpaceX. The concept used for testing feasibility of the design will be around 30 feet with shiny stainless steel looking body. The company is expecting to launch this Starship in March or April . The first testing of this formula will be a sub orbital mission with no fancy glass windows and other instruments as it is just a testing of mainly outer design and engines used to lift the vehicle. Space X wants to make sure that there Starship is completely feasible so they can put the design with few alteration to its orb...