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Chandrayaan -2 A Mission To Moon

After doing a successful mission on moon named mission
Chandrayaan which included one lander and one test payload to check whether ISRO is capable of  landing a rover for research purposes.

Mission Chandrayaan was launched with help of PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle).

Well now time has come , ISRO is setup to go for Chandrayaan-2 which consist of one orbiter , one lander and one rover on moon. 

For representative purpose

  • Chandrayaan 2 will consist one orbiter, lander and rover.
  • This whole mission  will be done indigenous.
  • The mission will be carried out on GSLV-F10 (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) launch vehicle most probably in second  half of 2018.  
  • Orbiter will be placed in lunar orbit at 100 km.
  • The lander housing the rover will separate from the orbiter and will perform a soft landing on moon carrying rover safely.
  • The rover used in this mission will be a six wheeled Rover which will be controlled by the ground commands.
  • The moon rover  will move on the landing site in semi-autonomous mode.
  • The rover is designed to carry data from the lunar soil and send to ground commands through the orbiter.
  • The orbiter will also do remote sensing of moon and send valuable data for analysis.
  • The Orbiter weight is around 3290 kg .
  • The objective of this mission is to collect scientific information from moon for mineralogy, elemental abundance,lunar exosphere, lunar topography and taking signatures of hydroxyl and water-ice.
  • The mission success will add name of India in the list of elite space agencies who have such kind of capabilities.
Due to some technical difficulties and failure of two mission one of them was loosing communication satellite GSAT-6A and another one is PSLV-C39 mission.

We can not say GSAT-6A mission was a complete failure as the satellite lift off successfully into orbit but ground command centre was unable to establish connection with the satellite and hence they failed but partially.

the scheduled launch of Chandrayaan 2 has been changed twice, from April to October and now it is pushed to next year 2019 in month of January.


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